Gym Admin

Speedfit East Gosford

Address: Suite 2, 36/40 Victoria Street, EAST GOSFORD, NSW, 2250

Address: Suite 2, 36/40 Victoria Street, EAST GOSFORD, NSW, 2250

Phone Number: 0484773348

Membership Plan: Direct Debit (12 Month Contract) - $59.95 / Week Promotional Offer:

No joining fee, free first session and body scan SAVE $109.90

Total Start Up Cost: $59.95    $53.96    Saving of 10%

Includes: Membership ($53.96). Includes 10% Discount.

No additional start up costs

This discount is only available through this website, and offer ends soon.

Money Back Guarantee (Within 7 days)

Next Payment:

$59.95, re-occurring weekly

Next Payment Date:


This is when the first of the ongoing payments will be, charged to you directly by the gym. You will need to provide the gym your direct debit details on your first visit. If you would like to slightly change this date, please discuss with gym directly.

Total Minimum Contract Cost: $3117.40

You will be required to undergo a tour and induction at the gym on your first visit, and also completion of the gyms standard agreement.

Please tell us about yourself

$53.96 Total Payment

GymScope will only take payment for the total startup costs, and not for ongoing membership payments.